
Saturday, 8 June 2013

Lost Your Way? Then Try The Mobile Phone Security Travellers Road Direction Guide

Lost Your Way? Then Try The Mobile Phone Security Travellers Road Direction Guide

 Some times, no matter how conversant you are familiar with a place, you may still lose your way, that is if it has been long you visited that particular area. Imagine you getting lost in a city like Lagos where every one seems to be very busy and may not have time to reply your questions when you ask for description.

Beside that, you may not know if you are even talking to the right person or individual or even a ritualist. With your mobile phone, all those worries of you struggling on your location can be minimize. I personally used this service when i lost my way in Portharcourt city about two months ago, and i believe it may be of help to you if you find yourself in such a difficult situation.

This little guide works if you are travelling from any part of Nigeria to any part of the States and you encounter some difficulties to locate the exact location you are heading to. In as much as you have a mobile phone with you, then direction is no problem for you.

This was what i did when i found out i had lost my way in Ph City. I opened the message menu of my phone, typed the location i was heading to, the state i was currently in at that time, and sent this message to 33000. Example, Alekuwodo (space) Osun State and sent to the code 33000. After about 2 to 3 seconds, i received a message on my phone displaying the various address of different locations in Borokiri and that was how i found my way and headed to the correct destination.

All thanks to my black and white mobile phone. Give it a try! i am sure it will work out for you.....Although the service may not be totally free, but it is worth it.

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