In this tutorial, i would be explaining three different ways on how to do it on a separate devices.
[ java phone, symbian phone, Desktop/Laptop ]
♣. You'll need an application called Moby explorer,[download it]
♣. Lunch it, allow the application to read all your device datas
♣. Open any folder, press menu, the menu would pull up, locate Text Editor, New, Empty file... Ok
♣. Menu again, edit.[ write the email of the users you needs as much as possible and separate them with coma sign <,,,,,> e.g,,, e.t.c, when you are done, press Ok
♣. Press menu again, then click on Save As.. Now save it as contact.vcf
♣. Quit your moby explorer and lunch your browser(opera or ucweb), then login to your facebook account, then upload your Contact.
It'll ask you to send friend request, press OK.
It works 100%.
For Symbian Phone
♣. Open your File X-plore .sis or .sisx or .zip
Locate where you want to create new document(either phone memory or external memory card)
♣. Press menu, then file, scroll down to where you have New Text File
♣. Type your friend's email in it
♣. Save it as friendz email.vcf
♣. Goto facebook, then upload it.
For Desktop/Laptop
♣. Open a New text document (.txt) in Notepad
♣. Add all the email addresses separated by coma ( ,,, )
♣. Now save that file with the extension .vcf
♣. This new file is your contact file. Upload it to Facebook and you will be prompted to send friend request. Click 'OK'.
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